Dance City's Dance Lab space is vast, the first feelings on arriving were of apprehension, what was I doing here in this expanse, how would I fill it? I felt small, isolated, slightly disoriented.
I wanted to explore balance, movement, losing inhibitions and gaining awareness of my body. I met with
Fiona Wright several times before taking on this opportunity. Fiona is an artist with a background in dance and movement, making live art works which draw from these disciplines. Something I am keen to explore for a new piece of video work, developing out of the Mutations research.
Fiona gave me some starting points, exercises to get me in touch with my body, to feel it. I started with some of these.
I decided to document the process with video and to write and draw, to take time out, separate from the usual pressures.
heavy head
bursting ribs
tearing paper
tracing thoughts
arms - thunder clouds
feet - broken glass
heart - beating
Hands are a focus, a way into my body, a place to fully connect with bone, muscle, blood and skin. opening and closing brings me back. Tight fist, nails pushing, pressure, release, allow to breathe.